Feedback collection
In order to assess the impact of the classes on youngsters we suggest the use of non-formal evaluation methods. You can learn more about non-formal education here and find and explore different tools here. We created our own exercise adapted to the Yoga classes – “Emotion Post-Its”.
Emotions post-its
At the beginning of each class, provide a post-it to each student and ask participants to reflect on their emotional/physical/mental state at the moment. Ask them to write their main emotion/feeling on the back of the post-it. They can keep the post-it under their mattress during the class. At the end of the class, asked them again to reflect on their main emotion/feeling at that moment and write on the same post-it, but in the front part, the primordial emotion/feeling they are feeling. Participants can then glue the post it on a big poster on the wall – the poster should have an appealing image (a heart/ an asana/a lotus flower or other).

In order to stimulate further reflection, you can also provide another post-it by the end of the class and ask participants what will they take home with them and glue it on a poster of a back-pack on the wall. At the end of the classes you can also use a more formal method, such a questionnaire online or in paper. Use tools such as google forms or survey planet, to create your owns forms. You can check an example bellow.